Saturday, March 14, 2009

Saturday March 14 09

3 rounds of:

15 Tire flips and jump throughs. There and back is one rep

15 Walking Lunges OH 45#

15 Thrusters 95#


  1. Silas and Austin put in a monster effort this morning. Unfortunately I took a pic of the numbers and as number one daughter was downloading them there was a computer crash so all 208 pics I had are gone. Sorry boys!

    I'll get the numbers later on. The tires weigh 160# Big ones will come on Monday!

  2. hey mike i'm doing the house pack for time so far we're at 18 hrs i think we can set a new record at under 24!!! haha see you tomorrow!

  3. Half a liter of milk to go and I'm done for the day!

  4. That is on top of your 4000 calories of regular diet right young man?

  5. Unfortunately I had a shitty diet to start today. Parents didn't get groceries until 2, so I had a late lunch and my breakfast was small. Good dinner though. I'll begin my regular diet tomorrow.

  6. Austin 27:36
    Silas 26:05 as Rxed.

    Nice work boys!
