Sunday, January 18, 2009

Monday January 19 09

10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Snatch Balance

Double Unders


  1. Speak of the devil Mike. Me and Silas were just talking about a workout with Snatch Balances and we were wondering what they are.

  2. so, what are they? Ill be at your place at 650.

  3. Really hard on the back of the neck.

  4. 7am:
    Silas - 75# - 10:11(hw) - 18:09
    Austin - 65# - 10:17(hw) - 19:50

    Tracey - 55# - 8:12(hw) - 16:16

    We weren't sure how this would go as it was our first time playing with the Snatch Balance. Kept the weights relatively low (they got heavy fast). We took a time at halfway and then at the end. Fun little WOD

  5. Probably won't be in this week. Next Monday, most likely.

  6. might come in for the early class

  7. im working, tonight, can't make it

  8. Evening sessions:

    Steve: 45# 16:12
    Peter: 45# 20:38
    Mac: 95# 19:50
    Kendra: 25# 20:58
    Agata: 35# 27:48
    Monica: 35# 10-1 1-10@25 I missed the number when I photographed the board sorry!
    Albert: 45# 25:36

    Nice job people. Agata looked particularly solid!

    A big welcome to the family to Monica and Alice and hopefully Catherine as well. Alice and Catherine both did 21 15 9 Deads and Pull Ups. Alice at 45# Catherine @ 55# 5:54 and 6:55 respectively. Well done both of you!
