Monday, January 26, 2009

January 27 09

3 rounds of:

50 Air Squats

Dumbell Clean and Jerk x 25

Weighted Lunges x 50

Use one of your clean and jerk dumbells as your lunge weight.


  1. looks like a good one see you in the morning mike!

  2. Wow - feels like I haven't been to the box in forever. Been super busy lately. Trying to get a few things done. Hope to make it out again soon.

  3. See you soon Jamie.

    Adrian and Silas ended up doing GI Jane. 100 Burpee Pull Ups.
    Adrian: 10:44
    Silas - 12:44

  4. i am going to catch up on my .com's

    5 rounds 45# overhead lungdes / 21 burpees

  5. 12:10 .... lungs are BURNING

  6. Nice one MAc. Tracey did that WOD the other day. Have to find out her time. I do not recall it off hand.

  7. I got 16:36 on the burpee lunges one.. it was evil
    was very aware of my glutes the next day

  8. Another day of squats, lunges and GHD situps for me. Partial ring dips seem to be ok on the elbow as well. Will add them in tomorrow.

  9. Looks like a pretty intense workout.

    Seems this whole Crossfit thing is really catching on, which is good. Intense training is the way to go for fat loss and a change in body composition.
