Sunday, February 22, 2009

Monday February 23 09

50 D/U's

KB Snatch x 35

30 Second L sit

KB Snatch x 35

30 Second L sit

50 D/U's


  1. Silas: 10:39 SDHP for Snatches @ 65#
    Conner: 12 KG Bell. First time with KB snatches. 15:33
    Esther: 8KG bell 11:29

    Esther, Conner and I messed around with M/U transitions. L Pull Ups and Hand Stands.

  2. what is 30 seconds of L sits takes me 50 minutes?? will the karate class be mad if I am in the corner swearing at 9pm still ..?

  3. LOL. Luckily no karate tonight Mac. The morning group were doing them 1 second at a time by the end.

  4. can I drop the L and just do sits?

  5. LMAO

    Mac, I am trying to narrow our focus a little in terms of appeal. The High School/young athlete has been fairly straight forward but I am having a hard time getting the "Cop/Fire" sorted out. I can't seem to get beyond the 10 physical fitness skills and officer presence.

  6. I would go after the work capacity in order to be prepared for the unknown ....

  7. Yeah right! I have increased work capacity across broad time and modal domains...ability to switch gears from chase to control to chase etc.

    I like increased work capacity in preparation for the unknown. Nice and succinct!

  8. Hey everyone I'm doing a kinesiology project on importance of and reasons to stretch,warm up, and cool down. Also the how to prevent delayed onset muscle soarness (DOMS.
    If any of you have anything to add about either, through experience or articles you've read etc., it would be greatly appreciated.

  9. Bill - 16kg - 8:19
    Mac - 16kg -8:37
    Monica - 8kg - 10:33
    Amanda - 15#/40 T/J - 21:21
    Alice - 15# - 15:58
    Carol Ann - 10# - 16:47
    Cynthia - 10#/TJ - 13:14
    Nolan - 15# -20:42
    Perry - 12kg - 12:33

  10. Hey Silas, I have a book on stretching that will be a good place to start. Remind me tomorrow. If you have not done so already check out the crossfit journals and or message boards. Loads of good stuff on stretching and some on Doms. Search for the videos by Kelly Scarret(sp) there is one called stretching is dead.
