Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Wednesday December 10 08

Rest Day/Skill Day


  1. hey mike are you gonna be in tonight?

  2. hmmm what skill to work on .... double unders while holding up my pants?

  3. I'll supervise that Mac... just to be sure.

    Class is at 6 tonight as per usual. Working on a WOD for tonight. If anyone wants to do skill work that is fine but there will be a WOD as well!

  4. Crap ass day. Just did not have it.

    B/S 135,185 205 215 225 230 235 240 245 250F
    D/L 245 315 325 F
    Snatch 135 x3 F

  5. hey mike can't make it out in the morning tomorrow have an exam first thing but i'll see you friday with myself and my dues!!!

  6. Good luck on your exam Adrian!

  7. Numbers from yesterday:
    PR Silas - 2 M/U, 175# Clean
    Lee - 185# Jerk and 195# Jerk, still a little press out on both but a big improvement from Mon.
    Zach - 10:59 on Annie, has those double unders sorted out!
    Lee got 9:39? I think it was.. on Annie
