Wednesday, September 24, 2008

September 25 08


DL+box jump 190
Pull ups
Push Press (choose weight)
15 12 9

For the deads and box jumps you do one of each to count a rep.


  1. Hey Mike I'm not going to be able to make it in this morning. I'll see you around Oct. 6. when I get back.

  2. Ok Matt Take care! See you soon.

  3. Hey Mike - Being out of commission for the last week I've been out of the loop a little - just curious what the schedule is like for Saturday for FGBIII. Just show up at 8am? Should I bring anything (besides my A game)?

  4. Jamie, you might want a B and C game for backup.

  5. WOW Austin slides in with the trash talk!

  6. Go Austin, fitting right in. I love it. Must be on a high from this morning.

    Jamie, yea just come by. I think Mac has to go through early so I'm suggesting get there for 8 8 30 and if anyone needs to leave early they can, if not we will start making lists for who goes when. the couple from Kitchener are coming for 9 30.

    We would like to have counters at each station to facilitate a smooth count and transitions. I believe Tracey is making up some forms to chart numbers so being there early would be helpful.

    We did a lot of snatch work again. This is going to be a staple for a while every chance we get.


    Adrien 185/105 10:53
    Austin 185/75 10:30
    Silas 185/95 12:34

    These guys worked there asses off this morning. great focus during the snatches and wicked effort in the Wod. congratulations guys!

  7. LOL Austin that was awesome

  8. oh hey.. Austin.. check this for some inspiration
    This kid is 16 and 140#

  9. Holy crap, he's pretty solid. And he's exactly my weight.. and almost my age.

  10. I did:

    Complete as many rounds in 20 minutes as you can of:
    Run 400 meters
    Max rep Pull-ups
    My score:
    19-13-13-10-9-9-8 = 81… or… 73
    I wasn't sure if it was pull ups or run first... so I did the pull ups first. Think this may have altered my score.. probably wouldn't have got that last round of pull ups in.. so I did 81 pull ups.. but likely only 73 of em would have counted :P

  11. 370# at 140#? Geesh - I gotta pick up my PR. That ratio would put me at about 450#!
