Thursday, September 18, 2008

Friday September 19 08


5 pull ups
10 push ups
15 air squats
200m run
21 kb swings
12 pull ups
400m run
75 wallball
400m run
12 pull ups
21 kb swings
200m run
15 squats
10 push ups
5 pull ups


  1. just did this one ....... but changed the 200m run with 1 stair run and the 400m with 3 stair runs
    50# KB 14:40 .... the stairs took A LOT longer then a run would have .... i hate the stairs

  2. Oh no, you beat my time by about 7 seconds!

  3. Wait for it. Bill in at 12:53 I believe. He left a funny message on the board.

    Austin:14:42 20# 40#
    Matt:20:41 14# 40#

    Matt is doing real pull ups now so his times are going to slow down before they pick up. Way to go Matt!

    Mike dead Lift 3 3 3 3 3 3
    185 205 225 250 275 325. I was trying to load 300 for the last lift. By the time I noticed I was well into phyching myself up so... up it went!

  4. 2 seconds! Nice lifts Mike.

  5. Nice .... I should have saved this for a workout when i am there .... It was a good one

  6. I almost puked right around the same time that Bill did.. was a throw up a little and swallow kinda thing (when I did it in California)

    Was a quiet one!
    Mark 15:03 20# 40#

    Mark got a PR 9 M/Us! 1 more to go!
    Think he would have had it fresh.. did it post workout!

    I got a PR Clean and Jerk 115#

  7. Way to go Mark. That's putting on the pressure. I think we need a 10 Muscle Up club shirt.

    Congrats Tracey

  8. Yeh the 2nd 400m following the wall balls really gets you

  9. Mike deads are impressive, 325 x 3 last round, good job

  10. Yes a 10 Muscle Up club shirt is a must. good stuff Mark and Tracey.

  11. Hey, i am glad i came across your site... keep it up!!!!
