Sunday, August 24, 2008

Monday August 25 08


5 Dead Hang Pull ups

Sprint 100 M with 60# bag

1 Rope climb

Max rounds 20 minutes

Evening TBA


  1. Looks like a good one. They're all good ones, but I just feel that I need to confirm how good it looks.

  2. Oh I was at Blockbuster and the Bigger faster stronger flick was not available there. How did you see it Mac?

  3. Excellent! Fraser likes it as well.

  4. haha I am going to plead the 5th ... (if we were in the states)

  5. HHHmmmm.

    Mark 11 rounds Kip at round 7
    Austin 6 rounds + P/U and SDHP,SDHP 95@ at 4th round Kip @ round 3
    Hayley 7 rounds + P/U and SDHP. Jumping and Assisted P/U's

    Harder then it looks! LOL

  6. I can see it so you can watch it as well if you like ....

    trying to decide if I am going to come in tonight or not ....

  7. Hey Mike back from Holidays - see you in the morning!

  8. Excellent Matt, Bill has anyone seen Bill?
    Very cryptic there Mac! LOL

  9. I will be there tonight

  10. Bill - 10 rounds + PU SDHP and KPU at round 4
    Stephen - 7 rounds + PU 55# SDHP
    Silas - 9 rounds + PU 95# SDHP 1 rope climb
    Zach- 7 rounds + PU 70# SDHP
    Mathieu- 7 rounds + PU 70# SDHP

    Welcome back Bill! Nice work everyone!
    Impressive effort Silas!

  11. My WOD for the day was:
    Pack a 14' truck and move to Sarnia for time.
    8hrs. I was happy with this time.
    I will see all of you Wednesday night.

  12. John:

    Cleans at 65 75 85 5 each then WOD.
    6 rounds in 16:35 and change. JPU SDHP 95#

    Great job John. Excellent work decreasing the warm up time.
