Monday, January 25, 2010

Tuesday January 26 2010

225 pound Deadlift, 15 reps
50 Pull-ups
225 pound Deadift, 12 reps
40 Pull-ups
225 pound Deadlift, 9 reps
30 Pull-ups
225 pound Deadlift, 6 reps
20 Pull-ups
225 pound Deadlift, 3 reps
10 Pull-ups


  1. Mike you are trying to kill us!

  2. LMAO!

    " Strong people are harder to kill and more useful in general."


    Good morning. Adam, Nigel and Kate took on the WOD. Manda did a nasty Row and Thruster Wod. I will post the numbers later. Kate - you will be missed! See you soon. I will be in touch.

  3. Sounds like fun. Too bad I can't make back to Guelph in time.

  4. Sorry mike couldn't make it, damn nights last night.

  5. This is badass... i look forward to it

  6. I worked out at Goodlife in Fredericton this morning ..... ug. Everyone was looking at me funny during the WOD!

  7. Ok
    Alec 24:35 220 ASP
    Sam 18:13 135 ASP
    Nolan 24:34 195 ASP
    Stephen 25:07 ASP
    Kate 115 24:20
    ADam RX'd 28:04
    Nigel 30:32 95 75 65
    Manda 16:53 5 rounds 500M row 65# Thruster

    Which Wod did you do? Shout out to Dawn. Great job 50# Jerk! " I hate it when you know exactly how much weight I'm going to get" LMAO Way to go Dawn that was fun.

  8. hope this ain't out of place...ran 6km in's a PR
    see you tomorrow
