Thursday, August 6, 2009

Friday August 7 09 MGW

Skill Day. Pick a skill and work on it then make up a Wod composed of M, G and W. Everyone will do their wods and we will add them all to our archives.


  1. The morning crew ended up doing a 5 round Helen cause they were taking to long to figure out what they wanted to do. This will be the default WOD. So if you don't want to do it make something up.

  2. i almost puked today

    3 workouts

    4 rounds for time
    One Barbell Complex (bear style) 85-95-105-115
    10 burpees
    10 alternating leg lunges

    6:02 - changing my own weights

    5 rounds for time
    4x BW bench press
    3x curtis press (1xhanging power clean,1x front squat, 1xlunge per leg, 1xpush press .... all repeated 3 times)
    8x GHD situps

    10:12 195# bench, 100# curtis press throughout

    10 minutes of 30seconds on 30 seconds rest rowing.
    broken timer .... but I went until I almost puked ....

    Rested about 5 minutes between workouts

  3. Deadlifted today:

  4. Great job Adrian.

    CrossFit Challenge!

    On Saturday, September 19th, 2009 Element CrossFit is inviting
    CrossFitters Ontario-wide to join us for a day of hard play.

    The event this year will consist of a Team Challenge (3 events
    throughout the day), and an Individual Challenge which will consist of
    a single "hopper" workout near the end of the day.

    The Team Challenge requires teams of 4 (2 men and 2 women) to
    participate in 3 events. The first 2 events will be posted shortly,
    while specifics of the final workout will be announced at the event.
    This category should not require Rx'd and Scaled rankings.

    The Individual Challenge will consist of pre-selected exercises,
    weights, and rep schemes chosen at random by “hopper” at the event.
    This category will have Rx'd and a Scaled rankings. All are welcome to
    Registration Information

    Registration is limited to 20 teams of 4, and 30 Individuals.
    Registration Cost is $25 per person before Aug 31st, 2009 and $30 per
    person after Aug 31st, 2009.

    Register as a team competitor, individual competitor or both today!
    Your registration fee will cover you for both the team and the
    individual competition should you choose to compete in both.

    If you are in need of a teammate (or three) be sure to indicate that
    when registering to ensure we can arrange teams, or use the comments
    here to find a group!

    Registration will start at 8:30 but teams should plan for an all-day
    event followed by a social gathering for food and refreshing

    The first two Team Challenge Workouts will be posted on Monday, August
    10, 2009 at 10am.

  5. Helen on Roids:


    Aurora 21:25 8KG
    Shawntell 23:10 8KG
    Sandra 27:27 16KG
    Ashley 25:48 12KG
    Victoria 24:15 12KG


    Austin 3 rounds of:
    20 RPU
    10 Bar V Ups
    15 Weighted P/U 15#
    50 D/U's

    3 rounds of:
    10 C&J 145
    25 GHD sit ups
    50 D/U's


    10 - 1 Deads and HSPU 275# 17:40

    Amanda worked cleans and Virginia and Stephanie did Angie finishing in 20 and change and 22 and change respectively.

    Adrian the man with the monster deads tonight 270! Way to go bro. Nice job! Zen and the art of Deadlifting! by Adrian Brown. Coming to a box near you.

    Shawn did WOD # two of Macs which I unfortunately dont have numbers for for some reason.

  6. Saturday August 08 09

    3 rounds of:
    max reps deadlift
    200m run
    max reps pull ups
    200m run
    max reps push ups
    200m run
    max reps k2e
    200m run

    Alec: 25/30/20/10 10/16/15/10 10/6/10/12
    Virginia: 17/25/31/19 11/20/26/17 8/20/20/16

    Good work both of you, hope your arms can still function!

  7. Nice Wod, I like it. Well done you both of you!
