Monday, October 27, 2008


It looks like there are a number of people who are thinking about tuning their diets. If you are going to use the Zone diet I strongly suggest you add a meal every few days and not try and make the switch from one day to the next. Breakfast is a good meal to start with. Get into the habit of having a Zone breaky then add lunch, a snack, dinner and finally a snack. A few more days or weeks will not make a difference now. The whole idea is to change the way we view food. Eating to Live can be as much fun as living to eat, without the unpleasant side effects.

Also, a quick note for some of you who have expressed the desire to be bigger. I urge you to eat strict zone for a few weeks and see what happens. Once the technique and consitency of eating Zone are established you can ramp up the intensity by eating more calories consistantly.  Don't forget, the bottom of the wellnes pyramid is Nutrition.

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