Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Wednesday October 20 2010w

Warm Up:
Clean Pulls
Clean 3 3 3 then 3XMax P/U's

Amrap 15 minutes of:
Clean 95 pounds, 10 reps
15 Push-ups


  1. Ready to be back, see you at noon!

  2. Cindy 65/knee push ups - 5 + 12 push ups
    Vanda 45/knee push ups - 6
    Josh - Rd1@95#rest@75 - 3 + 10 Cleans
    Gui Rx'd - 4 + 10 Cleans
    Rob Rx'd - 3 + 7 push ups
    Wayne - 95# - 4 rds + 5 cleans
    Jess 65#/knee push ups - 5 + 1 Clean
    Beth 65#/knee push ups - 5 + 2 Cleans

  3. Good morning. As some of you may have noticed I was not in today. I am dealing with a broken pipe and subsequent flood at my folks place in Milton. If any of our trainers see this....Please cal me at 993 2119. I need to put in some contingencies for the next few days.

    Hope you all have a great workout and we'll see you all soon.

  4. This one should have gone first. Thanks to Tracey for bailing my ass out at the morning classes.

  5. I did starting strength
    BS - 35x5, 125x3, 150x2 - 3x5@165
    SP - 35x5, 55x3, 65x2, 3x5@70
    PC - 35x5, 75X3, 95X2, 3x5@105

  6. PC 75x5 95x3 110x3 115x3
    as for the wod i did it at 85 lbs.
    made 6 rounds plus 1 clean. I have to admit I wasn't working that fast, still tired from the weekend and working the last two days... boo.

  7. Thanks to the noon class for allowing me to assume a role that I am not qualified to assume. I had fun and really enjoyed watching the efforts that were put into the 15min WOD on behalf of everyone. Sooo awesome.

  8. Erin - (85#) 7rnds + 8cleans
    Dawn - (45#) 4rnds + 4cleans
    Mary - (55#) 6rnds + 8cleans
    Jane (45#) 8rnds + 3cleans
    Sue - (45#) 6rnds
    Tiff - (75#) 7rnds

  9. Angie was done at the 4pm and 5pm classes. Awesome efforts everyone.

    100 pull ups
    100 push ups
    100 sit ups
    100 squats

    Brian 24:48
    John 28:52

    Tanya 29:23
    Mike 31:34 (sets of 20)
    Arnold 24:45 (sets of 25)
    Amanda 21:12
    Al 22:46
    Lindsay 25:35
    Drew 27:55

  10. Tracie lead us through the posted WOD at 6pm

    Ricky (95#) 7 rounds + 10 push ups
    Heather (45#/knees) 8 rounds + 5 cleans
    Thomas (95#) 8 rounds even
    Caitlin (75#) 7 rounds + 5 push ups
    Greg (95#) 6 rounds

  11. great job everyone, let's keep up the chatter. And the sky did not fall....

    Thank You! Very much all of you. Shout out to Tracey, Tiffany, Marcia, Chris s, Heather and Steph.
