Saturday, October 9, 2010

Saturday October 9 2010

O Lifting
O Lifting
O Lifting


  1. hey Mike what does the wod today involve?

  2. I'll give you a hint.....PVC and pain.

  3. Got up too late to make class today. My excuse is that I am still exhausted from Muay Thai last night. That and my legs are sore. Need to work on my leg blocks.

  4. nice lifting today...
    Molly first time snatching got to a 60# HPS.. very nice technique!

    We also did a WOD -
    5 Hollow Rock
    10 Knees to Elbows
    15 KBs

    I used 20kg and got 5 rounds + 8K2E.. forearms ouuuuch!

  5. Forgot to write down the numbers! My bad. I'll get them tomorrow. Tao, my son, came tantalizingly close to a muscle up. Exciting stuff! Snatches looked good.!
