Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Wednesday February 3 2010 MGW

100 Kettlebell swings 20KG/16KG

100 Ring Push Ups

100 D/L 135 93

Once through for time.


  1. Good Fun this morning.

    Sandra 95# 16KG 18:21
    Tracey Rxed 17:39
    Vanda 21:13 65# 12KG
    Mike 23:47 105/85 12KG Way to go Mike. You survived.
    Kym 17:30 75 16KG
    Lisa 65# 12KG 19:00
    Victoria 23:16 75# 16KG
    Adam 22:35 35# 95 # Subbed Burpies.
    Silas rxed 21:55
    Marcia 20:56 red
    Sam 21:04 16KG 95#

  2. Hey come on, my brain wasn't getting a lot of oxygen but 45 + 90 = 135. I just went a little light on the kb swings!
    Good workout today. See you tomorrow morning.

  3. Sorry Adam. My bad.

    Chris ( I'll do it in sets of 20) and I did it at lunch, well he did it then I did it.
    Chris as RXed 24:57
    Mike 135# 16KG 14:41. Let the grief over the KB's begin. In my defence I will preemptively point out that my BW was 142.6 post wod. That's 95% of my BW on the deads.

  4. Evening:
    MAnda 95# 16 KG 17:37
    Belinda 18:45 Rxed
    Amanda 32:12 95/16
    Gert 18:11 95/25
    heather 24:49 95/35
    Dawn 26:02 20@95 rest 85 12KG
    Kelly 25:11 70 push ups strict 95/16
    Shannon 25:04 50@95 50@85 12kg
    Stephanie 18:15 95/12
    Chris ( I hope he made it) 28:40 95/16

    Great day today everyone. Good times and good competition.
