Saturday, November 20, 2010

Sunday November 21 2010

50 Ring Dips
Run 400 meters
50 Push-ups
Run 400 meters
50 KB Swings
Run 400 meters

Post time and weight to comments

Warm Up:
3 rounds of:

1 min skipping
10 Slow Squats
3 Burpies
5 Hollow Rock
10 Shoulder rolls


  1. 24:09 RX'd on this one. Helped having Gui to chase the whole time. :D

    MAN, those runs were coooolllldddd. I felt like I could barely breathe haha.

    Hand felt good except for the swings. That killed it. Rest & ice for the rest of today, and X-rays tomorrow! Yee haw...

  2. 23:23 Assisted Dips (one strap)
    Pushups were chest to ground and kb's were at 45#

    Rich you gave it a good shot and closed the gap but there was no way I was letting a guy with a broken hand beat me!

    Also, for Scott:

    almost RX'd just form issues with the dips, but there was no band. Pretty good for a first time out - wish my first time had been that close to Rx'd.

  3. RX 12:44 runs were on treadmill so would have been longer if run was outside, sorry boys but i stayed toasty warm!
