Thursday, March 20, 2008

Zone Challenge

So I propose that in April we have ourselves a little cleanest diet contest. Like on that Seinfeld episode, we will be bound within the confines of the honour system.  I will create a page where we can post our meals. As an example.

Mike - March 20 th  Breakfast 5 block meal:

Protein: 3 oz canadian bacon,1 glass of milk, half cup plain yogurt.

Carb: 1 glass of milk, half cup plain yogurt, 1 cup strawberries, half cup blueberries, tsp sugar

Fat: Macamedamias, almonds

Lunch  5 block meal:

Protein: 4 oz ckn, 1 glass milk.

Carbs:  36 spear asparagus ( 3 blocks) 1 tbs raisins, 1 glass of milk.

Fat: Handful of assorted nuts. macamedamias,almonds,pecans.

I cooked the ckn in a curry  paste, and the asparagus was sauteed in a little garlic butter both of which I did not account for in the blocks. So a little extra carb this meal.


  1. This is a great idea! Was gonna try to stick to zone in april anyway... will be good to have some company

  2. Soooooooooooooo totally a good idea!! Count me in!!

  3. Count me in! I need to badly! Now, i just need to figure out what the Zone diet actually entails...

  4. 40% Carbs, 30% protein, 30% fat. At each meal and snack. We will dig up some zone meal and block charts to help. In the meantime just search Zone Diet.

  5. we can sign up for free online fitday accounts... online food journal...

    and then post our links here:

    mine is:

    you just have to sign up for an account and then select "make my journal public" (in the home tab)

  6. Huzzah!

  7. Booya!

  8. Aah i've had one for a long time, here it is:

  9. Ok here we go Day 1
    I've decided to go with the Hard Gainer model with is 21 blocks.
    pre-work out
    2 cups 1% milk, 2 mac nuts-2 blocks
    8 egg whites
    1 ounce skim milk mozzarella
    1 ounce back bacon
    1 apple
    1 orange
    1 piece rye bread
    1 1/2 teaspoons peanut butter
    4 table spoons olive oil
    6 blocks total

    9 ounces crab meat
    1 small spinach salad (as per mastering the zone=1block)
    1 orange
    1/2 whole wheat pita

    3 tablespoons mayo (fat free)
    2 tablespoons olive oil and vinegar (for salad)
    6 blocks total

    1 ounce deli meat turkey
    1/2 apple
    4 mac nuts

    1 block total

    6 ounces Chicken
    3 cups broccoli (steamed)
    2 cups cauliflower (steamed)
    1 piece rye bread
    1/2 apple
    2 teaspoons butter for bread and veg
    6 blocks

    feel pretty good, one block too many but I'll reduce tomorrow. Feel better than I usually do on the first day of zone.

  10. Day 2
    pre-work out
    1/2 cup yogurt 1% 4 Mac nuts

    2.5 ounces Back bacon
    4 tablespoons soy protein powder
    5 table spoons slivered almonds
    1 apple
    1 1/3 cups cooked oatmeal (mix protein powder with oatmeal and you have drywall compound......yummy)

    6 ounces deli style turkey
    1 whole wheat tortilla 6" (this particular brand only works out to 1.5 blocks)
    1 ounce skim milk cheese
    1 spinach salad
    8 mac nuts
    1 teaspoon olive oil
    1 apple
    1 orange

    1/4 cup cottage cheese
    1 1/4 cup broccoli
    4 Mac nuts

    6 1/2 ounces ground turkey
    1 ounce cheese skim milk
    2 slices of rye bread
    1 orange
    16 Mac nuts

    Still feel ok......feeling the carb withdrawal a bit today. I've almost tripled the fat intake.

  11. would a separate blog for this be appropriate or needed?

  12. Seems to be ok Kelly, but you are the resident computer expert
