Monday, March 17, 2008

Tuesday March 18 08

In 20 minutes complete as many rounds as possible of the following:

2 Muscle-ups
4 Handstand Push-ups
8 2-Pood Kettlebell swings

Sub weight as needed.

If you can't do a Muscle up sub 4 pull ups and 4 dips.

Sub inverted push ups for HSPU


  1. I saw the vid for this one yesterday on the main site. It looked awesome. Too bad I'll miss it.

  2. I did this one today......
    4 pull ups
    4 dips
    4 inverted push ups
    8 swings with a 65 lbs dumbbell (these were killer)

    I got 10 rounds in plus 4&4 pull ups and dips in 20 min.....this was a good one

  3. Greetings Scott, and good effort.Glad you enjoyed it..but you should have been doing 8 dead hang pull ups and 8 ring dips for the Muscle Ups.

  4. crap read that wrong...ya that part of the workout seemed easier....nest time I guess

  5. haha guess what I did today? had a warm/hot shower..

    Ouuuch What an idiot.

    Hi there Scott!

  6. Results:

    Fraser 6 rounds 40 #KB Pull Ups and Dips
    Kelly 7 + 4 Inverted Push Ups 22" box. 30 # KB Jumping Pull Ups negatives.
    Sara 7 + 4 Box Push Ups, 15 # KB JPU
    Tracey 5 + 3 Pull ups. 30# KB Pull Ups, assisted ring dips.

    Awesome job folks. Muscle failure. BoY that Eva T is tuff.

  7. I would actually be interested in coming in to try a workout with you guys......when would be the best date and time......I have been doing the workouts for about 2-3 weeks now and am hooked.....doing them by yourself is tuff sometimes though and everyone at the gym looks at me like I am an idiot...haha....anyways let me know what would be best

  8. Hahaha I know what you mean there "everyone at the gym looks at me like I am an idiot" We've all been there at one point. Hope you can make it out sometime soon!

  9. Come for sure Scott! It's so much better having Mike "encouraging" you! I've only been here for like 2 weeks, and i'm hooked too!
