Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Thursday February 24 2011

Warm Up:
15 minutes get warm.
Then as promised something a little challenging after two days of strength and technique.

For time:
25 Walking lunge steps
20 Pull-ups
50 Box jumps, 20 inch box
20 Double-unders
25 Ring dips
20 Knees to elbows
30 Kettlebell swings, 2 pood
30 Sit-ups
20 Hang squat cleans, 45# dumbells
25 Back extensions
30 Wall ball shots, 20 pound ball
3 Rope climb ascents


  1. this is going to be a sprint, then a run, then a jog, then a walk, then a stumble, then a crawl, and then I will likely die

  2. Rope climbs?? Sweet! How could I miss this?

  3. so excited. I don't care if traffic takes 2 hours... someone had better be there to let me in.

  4. pain.
    15:... I think in the upper or mid 15's. Cannot remember.

    Rope climb ='s death. Prepare for that. Wow.

    Tim C. roars like a lion.

  5. Very disappointing DNF. Had never climbed a rope before, finished the wallball at about 11 mins and just couldn't get the technique down. managed one ascent with mostly arms.

    I'll beat you soon, rope....

  6. 20:17 I think.

    Got the three rope climbs in and really wasn't expecting to do them. Thanks for yelling at me, Mike :D

    KB - 45#
    HSC - 55#
    Wall Ball - 14#

    Wicked awesome WOD!

  7. 20:59 I believe
    kb 70lbs
    hsc 80lbs
    20bs wall ball

    I am hungry for a faster time, just not satisfied with this one...

  8. Great work everyone! No problem Tiffany, any time.

  9. Did this at a gym as couldn't get into the box! Did it after 55 mins interval cardio, and switched the three rope climbs to 2 min of rower, step mill, and sprint! Wall balls for push press! Other then that same as listed! Love love love these WOD'S!

  10. time 26:38, only did one rope climb but not included in the time. Used the 50lb kb, 75lb squat cleans.

  11. 25: something before the rope climbs. Got 1.9 rope climbs then my claw-like hands forced me to desist.

    kbs 80lbs
    hsc 40lb dumbs
    24" box
    And Mike, I did do the kipping pull-ups--turns out i was just being a whinner about the pulled muscle.
