Thursday, February 17, 2011

Friday February 18 2011

Warm Up
3 rounds of:
1 min skipping
T and B
Broad Jumps

100 Sit Ups
50 Squats
100 Double Unders
50 Jumping Pull ups
100 Box Jumps
50 Kb Swings
100 Push Ups


  1. Another early run (though at least it was a warm morning). My legs still hate me though


    20 inch box, 35lb KB

  2. Another fun morning. Good to see you Anna, hope the kids stay healthy from now on.

  3. 19:20...legs still huting from the snatch wod and my push ups were completely pitiful.a weeks worth of dipping, m/u's and bench presses made 100 push ups take over 7min....ouch!

    24" box
    45lb kettlebell

  4. 22:40

    What a mess!
    Still battling super sore quads - box jumps were absolutely painful! Lost a ton of time there...
    The push-ups ate up a bunch of time too - I was almost screaming trying to get the last ones out!

    Good freakin' WOD.

  5. 15:48 w/ kipping
    sorry mike, i saw thomas and chris were rule breakers and i had to follow. im weak.

    and i owe 20 burpies for being late late late.

  6. 19:03 with kipping, 50# kb and 24' box. my push ups felt really slow, but 15:48 is just crazy. Good work
