Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Thursday April,

Warm Up-Dynamic, Mobility
Strength: BP 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Wod: AMRAP 10 min
10KB Swings
5 Ring Rows
3 Toes to bar


  1. that was a great wod. fierce (yeah, i said fierce, deal with it) forearm pump to contend with. tim and I were definitely battling to hold onto the kb in the end ...

    11rds + 10 kb

  2. 7 RDS + 10KB @35#
    front squat: 3x105,3x125, 3x135,3x140,

  3. Not much GAS in the tank today!
    6 rounds + 9 kb's
    BP was on the board as 5x3 made 1 rep @ #205
    The Tim's were on FIRE this morning!

  4. I usually try to avoid looking at Crossfit website these days... but couldn't help myself today! Aargh... looks like a fun one. Miss you all!!! Hope to be back soon.
