Thursday, April 28, 2011

Friday April 29 2011

Strength F/S 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
WOD: Helen
3 rounds of 400 M run
21 Kb Swings
12 Pull ups


  1. wow. what a week. so much fun ... but has left me a shattered heap. on the turnaround on the last run i honestly almost stopped and gave up.

    #215 fs
    8:09 helen.

  2. Excellent job Tim. And yes a tough week. But as they say...well soemthing about the fittest of the fittest, or forging elite fitness....

  3. Tough week indeed, I am spent!
    #235 fs, Tim made me miss #245
    15:00 Helen, and more importantly she didn't five me a concussion.

  4. Oops..... That should be "give me a concussion"
