Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Thursday June 10 09

Bear complex.

Clean to front squat to overhead to back squat and back.

10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

run 200 M between each round.


  1. Connor 95# 25:42
    SHawn 95# 35:57
    Silas: 26:02 95#
    Perry: 95# 31:08
    Marcy: 26:35 35#
    Megan: 35# 29:18

    Next time we will have to go a little heavier. Nice effort all around. Megan your cleans were looking way better by the end there. Good Stuff.

  2. rest day for this guy!

  3. yesterday BS 1RM up to 315

    then 7rds 3,6,9 PJ,PU,pushups

  4. Nice Mac..
    3-6-9 Push Jerk/Pull Ups/Push Ups
    Austin: 7:12 @ 135#
    Connor: 2rds @ 155#, rest @ 135# 7:36

  5. I posted yesterday's numbers..
    I did the 3-6-9 PushJerk/Pull Ups/Push Up
    wod today
    100# 11:55
    My push ups were strict until round 5 - then I started doing them out wide.
    Push ups suck!
    also tried a back squat again today got a 195# PR

  6. joke and jag started it and jag had to leave on the third round and jake puked up some dinner and managed to swallow it again but we only went to round 5. Solid effort though

  7. What was on the menu Jake?
