Sunday, September 12, 2010

Monday September 13,2010

Warm up:
2 x CFHQ
2 min squat
2 min hams
2 min triceps

3 rounds of:
15-12-and 9 reps, for time of:
135 pound barbell Thrusters
45 pound weighted Pull-ups
Scale as needed.

Cool Down/stretch:
Repeat of Mobility


  1. Carrie 10:12 45#
    Venessa 9:39 55#
    Shannon 9:25 55#
    Vanda 6:00 35 25
    Claudia 6:27 35/30
    John 5:45 35#
    Tracey Rxd 7:51
    Tiff 6:25 35#
    Dawn 7:44 30#
    Nick 9:53 65#
    Joanne 5:17 @55
    Adee 6:56 65#
    Jessica 12:16 65#
    Jacquie 9:22 65#
    Al 8:59 95#
    Adam 10:17 135 35#
    Carolyn 8:32 45#
    Ricky 11:55 65#
    Sebastian 13:38 95

  2. Almost 3 minutes slower than my PR. Did the 21 thrusters unbroken, did 15 in sets of 5 and 9 unbroken...pull ups were all broken up.. Still hurty from angie luckily did not re-open them.
    DL 35x5, 125x3, 175x2, 200x1
