Thursday, February 25, 2010

Friday February 26 2010

Max B/S


  1. Sandra, vanda, Lisa and I worked technique this morning. BAck squats were looking allright. Sandra hip issue, Vanda flexibility. Lisa looked good today. I think her knee is starting to come around. Way to go.

  2. Funny Wod B/S

    Virginia PR 125
    Dawn PR 125 Depth of course is the issue but it is coming.
    Adam 285 PR Adam up 30 #'s
    Mike 285 PR Down 12 in B/W from the lst one and up 10# on the lift.

    Let's see what the afternoon can do.

  3. 205# PR... pretty sure I could have gone higher

  4. Evening:

    Al: 235 First time.
    Alec: 240 Did not have it going tonight. Lots of reps at lighter weight.
    Colin 215 Colin Pr
