Max B/W Cleans 3 min
Run 200M
Max B/W D/L 2 min
Run 200M
Max KB Swings 1 min
200M Run
2 rounds
Warm Up: 12 Min Get Warm. Include 30 Seconds of Hollow Rock and 10 Ring Dips
Skill. D/L and Clean review.
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Wednesday June 29 2011
Warm Up x 2:
Run 200 M, Alli Walk, 10 BJ's, STLJ
Mobility: Glutes/Quads
Strength: F/S 75% 3 x 5
Run 400 meters
30 sit-ups
30 back extensions
Run 400 meters
25 sit-ups
25 back extensions
Run 400 meters
20 sit-ups
20 back extensions
Run 200 M, Alli Walk, 10 BJ's, STLJ
Mobility: Glutes/Quads
Strength: F/S 75% 3 x 5
Run 400 meters
30 sit-ups
30 back extensions
Run 400 meters
25 sit-ups
25 back extensions
Run 400 meters
20 sit-ups
20 back extensions
Monday, June 27, 2011
Tuesday June 28, 2011
Warm up:
Inch Worm there
7 Ring Row
Inch Worm Back
7 Burpees
Bench 3x3
Pendlay Row 3x3
10 min amrap
10 KB Swing #50/#35
Man Maker there #40/#25
30 DU’s/60 Skips
Man Maker back #40/#25
Inch Worm there
7 Ring Row
Inch Worm Back
7 Burpees
Bench 3x3
Pendlay Row 3x3
10 min amrap
10 KB Swing #50/#35
Man Maker there #40/#25
30 DU’s/60 Skips
Man Maker back #40/#25
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Sunday June 26 2011
We have not done this in a while so today will be an hour of Open Gym. Come in and work on whatever you like.
Saturday, June 25, 2011
Saturday June 25 2011
Warm Up:
12 Minutes to get warm. Don't forget to look at the WOD so you can warm up any specific parts of your body. You must include Pull Ups and Dips. And one Piece of mobility.
Wod- Nasty
5 x 50 M Prowler Pushes 135/95
50 Box Jumps
10 Front Squats 185/135/95
400M x 3
50 S/P with Bar
2 minutes HSPU Hold
5 Minutes Squat hold.
3 Rope Climbs
100 Squats
50 Pull Ups
45 Seconds L sit/support
15 M/U Transitions
12 Minutes to get warm. Don't forget to look at the WOD so you can warm up any specific parts of your body. You must include Pull Ups and Dips. And one Piece of mobility.
Wod- Nasty
5 x 50 M Prowler Pushes 135/95
50 Box Jumps
10 Front Squats 185/135/95
400M x 3
50 S/P with Bar
2 minutes HSPU Hold
5 Minutes Squat hold.
3 Rope Climbs
100 Squats
50 Pull Ups
45 Seconds L sit/support
15 M/U Transitions
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Friday June 24 2011
Nate - Amrap 20 min of
2 M/U's 4 HSPU, 8 72# Kb
or Michael, 3 rounds of:
Run 800 meters
50 Back Extensions
50 Sit-ups
2 M/U's 4 HSPU, 8 72# Kb
or Michael, 3 rounds of:
Run 800 meters
50 Back Extensions
50 Sit-ups
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Thursday June 23 2011
Warm Up: 12 min, include PU/RD's
Skill: L Sit
Strength: B/S 50/60/70/80/90%
Wod: Prowler Tag There and Back x4
Skill: L Sit
Strength: B/S 50/60/70/80/90%
Wod: Prowler Tag There and Back x4
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Wednesday June 22 2011
Warm Up:10 Min*
Wod: 5 rounds of:
10 Toes to bar
5 Hang Snatch 95/55
20 Double-unders
Skill: HS Hold.
Warm Up *: Complete as much of:
15 Dead Hang Pull Ups
15 RIng Dips/negatives
400 M Run
30 Push Ups
1 Minute Squat Hold
100 D/U's
Wod: 5 rounds of:
10 Toes to bar
5 Hang Snatch 95/55
20 Double-unders
Skill: HS Hold.
Warm Up *: Complete as much of:
15 Dead Hang Pull Ups
15 RIng Dips/negatives
400 M Run
30 Push Ups
1 Minute Squat Hold
100 D/U's
Monday, June 20, 2011
Tuesday june 21 2011
Warm Up: Pick One
Skill: Play on rings.
Strength: Dead Lift
5x5 @ 75%
Prowler: 50 X 6
Skill: Play on rings.
Strength: Dead Lift
5x5 @ 75%
Prowler: 50 X 6
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Monday June 20 2011
Warm Up: Dynamic, then
3x200M run, 10 P/U's 10 S/D's
Skill: RDL,Transition.
Strength: Clean 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Wod: 10 - 1 Clean 65% of SRM, Burpie BJO
3x200M run, 10 P/U's 10 S/D's
Skill: RDL,Transition.
Strength: Clean 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Wod: 10 - 1 Clean 65% of SRM, Burpie BJO
Sunday June 19 2011
Warm Up: 3 x Skip,Run,Squat
Strength: Bench 3 3 3 2 1 1 1
Skill: RDL, Prone Press 5x5
Wod-Amrap 10 Min of:
5 Clean, 10 Push Ups, 15 Squats.w
Strength: Bench 3 3 3 2 1 1 1
Skill: RDL, Prone Press 5x5
Wod-Amrap 10 Min of:
5 Clean, 10 Push Ups, 15 Squats.w
Saturday, June 18, 2011
Saturday June 18 2011
Warm Up:
10 Min get warm.
Skill: Of choice or review
Todays Wod has a 30 min cap.
Complete in any order:
Helter Skelter
2 Prowler there and backs
10 Tire Flips
50 P/U, Squats, P/U, Sit Ups, 50 B/J's
3 Rope Climbs
15 Strict Pull Ups
10 Ring Dips
20 MU Transitions
100 D/U's
10 Min get warm.
Skill: Of choice or review
Todays Wod has a 30 min cap.
Complete in any order:
Helter Skelter
2 Prowler there and backs
10 Tire Flips
50 P/U, Squats, P/U, Sit Ups, 50 B/J's
3 Rope Climbs
15 Strict Pull Ups
10 Ring Dips
20 MU Transitions
100 D/U's
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Friday June 17 2011
Warm Up: 10 min git warm
Skill: Pistols, Hspu
Wod: Will be a surprise. There will be choice.
Skill: Pistols, Hspu
Wod: Will be a surprise. There will be choice.
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Thursday June 16 2011
Warm Up: Dynamic, Skips, Flips, Dips
Skill: M/U's, STC, Levers.
Strength: B/S, S/P 2 3 2 3 2 1 1 1
Wod: 5 by prowler runs.
Skill: M/U's, STC, Levers.
Strength: B/S, S/P 2 3 2 3 2 1 1 1
Wod: 5 by prowler runs.
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Wednesday June 15 2011
Warm Up: Dynamic, Walks, Med balls
Skill: The Jerk
Strength: 5 x 3 C/J or Rack Jerk
Wod: 5 rounds of:
5 M/U's, 400 M run, 20 P/U's
If you cannot do Muscle Ups. Sub muscle up transitions and Pull Ups/Jumping Pull Ups with negative, no bands at 3 - 1
Skill: The Jerk
Strength: 5 x 3 C/J or Rack Jerk
Wod: 5 rounds of:
5 M/U's, 400 M run, 20 P/U's
If you cannot do Muscle Ups. Sub muscle up transitions and Pull Ups/Jumping Pull Ups with negative, no bands at 3 - 1
Monday, June 13, 2011
Tuesday June 13 2011
Warm Up: 3 x CFHQ
Strength: Cleaning
Wod: 7 ROunds of:
Clean-Front Squat-Jerk
Strength: Cleaning
Wod: 7 ROunds of:
Clean-Front Squat-Jerk
Sunday, June 12, 2011
Monday June 13 2011
Warm Up: Run, Jump, Swing
Skill:R DL's 7x3
Snatch Grip Press 3 x 10
Jump Shrug (hip) 5x5
Scarecrow Snatch 5x5
Power Snatch (hip) 5x5
Wod-3 rounds of:
400 M Run
10 Ring Dips
20 K2E
30 Squats
Skill:R DL's 7x3
Snatch Grip Press 3 x 10
Jump Shrug (hip) 5x5
Scarecrow Snatch 5x5
Power Snatch (hip) 5x5
Wod-3 rounds of:
400 M Run
10 Ring Dips
20 K2E
30 Squats
Saturday, June 11, 2011
Sunday June 12 2011
Warm Up: Dynamic then
Prowler/Hammer Fun
Skill: Front Squat 1 1 1 1 1
Wod-AMRAP 10 min of:
5 Ring Dips,20 D/U's, 10 Push Ups
Prowler/Hammer Fun
Skill: Front Squat 1 1 1 1 1
Wod-AMRAP 10 min of:
5 Ring Dips,20 D/U's, 10 Push Ups
Friday, June 10, 2011
Saturday June 11 2011
Warm Up: 1x CFHQ then beginner KB circuit
Skill: Spend 10 minutes on a skill that you need to improve
Belinda's Pain Storm
30 KB Swings (24/16)
30 Air Squats
30 Push Ups
30 Sit ups
200 meter run
20 Push Press (75/55)
20 Lunges
20 SDHP (75/55)
20 Wall Ball (20/14)
100 meter run
10 Ring row
10 Burpies
10 Box Jump
1 Rope climb
Skill: Spend 10 minutes on a skill that you need to improve
Belinda's Pain Storm
30 KB Swings (24/16)
30 Air Squats
30 Push Ups
30 Sit ups
200 meter run
20 Push Press (75/55)
20 Lunges
20 SDHP (75/55)
20 Wall Ball (20/14)
100 meter run
10 Ring row
10 Burpies
10 Box Jump
1 Rope climb
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Friday June 9 2011
Warm Up: Surprise
Skill: Ring Progressions
Wod: Weight or BW Weight
Skill: Ring Progressions
Wod: Weight or BW Weight
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
June! - Summer is finally here and so are the Prowlers.
Another 30 day Nutrition challenge is here. Get your nutrition on track. Say no to grains, dairy and sugar for 30 days. You will look, feel and perform better.
Eat meat and vegetables, nuts and seeds, some fruit, little starch and no sugar. Keep intake to levels that will support exercise but not body fat.
The winner of the challenge will be decided by committee and will win a free month of training and some other cool stuff.
We will be adding 7 and 9 A.M class mid
June and our own Sue will be offering a Yoga/Stretching and meditation class. See the whiteboard for details.
Eat meat and vegetables, nuts and seeds, some fruit, little starch and no sugar. Keep intake to levels that will support exercise but not body fat.
The winner of the challenge will be decided by committee and will win a free month of training and some other cool stuff.
We will be adding 7 and 9 A.M class mid
June and our own Sue will be offering a Yoga/Stretching and meditation class. See the whiteboard for details.
Thursday June 9 2011
Warm Up: Tims Choice, Nudge-Prowler
Skill: Split Jerk
Strength: BS and BP 5 3 3 2 1 1 1 1
Wod: Tabata Squats
Skill: Split Jerk
Strength: BS and BP 5 3 3 2 1 1 1 1
Wod: Tabata Squats
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Wednesday June 8 2011
Steph has stepped up to run classes as I have effen Pink Eye. Wod will the Filthy Fifty. All classes on accept the 4 pm kids class.
Monday, June 6, 2011
Tuesday June 7 2011
Warm Up: Dynamic, Then:
1 min of tire flips and Skips x 5
Skill: Scarecrow, Lands, Drops w bar
Strength: P/C 3 3 3 3 3
WOD: 5 x 45 seconds on 15 sec off of:
Dead Lift 225/155
1 min of tire flips and Skips x 5
Skill: Scarecrow, Lands, Drops w bar
Strength: P/C 3 3 3 3 3
WOD: 5 x 45 seconds on 15 sec off of:
Dead Lift 225/155
Monday June 6 2011
Warm Up:
2 x CFHQ
Shoulder Press
1 1 1 1 1
200 D/U's
30 Burpies
40 Ground to Over head
50 Toes to bar
50 M Lunges 45# Plate
100 M Sprint
2 x CFHQ
Shoulder Press
1 1 1 1 1
200 D/U's
30 Burpies
40 Ground to Over head
50 Toes to bar
50 M Lunges 45# Plate
100 M Sprint
Friday, June 3, 2011
Thursday, June 2, 2011
Friday June 3, 2011
Warm Up:
Trainers Choice/CFHQ
WOD: Cindy
AMRAP 20 min of:
5 Pull Ups,10 Push Ups,15 Squats.
Trainers Choice/CFHQ
WOD: Cindy
AMRAP 20 min of:
5 Pull Ups,10 Push Ups,15 Squats.
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Thursday June 2, 2011
Warm Up: 3 rds of:
Bulgarian Splits x 5
High Knees 50 M, Sprint
5 Burpies.
Mobility: Shoulders
Push Press 1 1 1 1 1 1
Pendlay Row 3 3 3 3 3
3 Tuck Jumps
5 Jumping Lunges
7 D/U's
Bulgarian Splits x 5
High Knees 50 M, Sprint
5 Burpies.
Mobility: Shoulders
Push Press 1 1 1 1 1 1
Pendlay Row 3 3 3 3 3
3 Tuck Jumps
5 Jumping Lunges
7 D/U's
Wednesday June 1 2011
Warm-Up, 3x:
200m run
10 K2E
10 Push Ups
Increasing Height BJ's
Max reps, 1 min each, 6 rounds
(1 min break in between rounds for a total WOD time of 18 min)
Power Clean - 95#/65#
Front Squat - same load
200m run
10 K2E
10 Push Ups
Increasing Height BJ's
Max reps, 1 min each, 6 rounds
(1 min break in between rounds for a total WOD time of 18 min)
Power Clean - 95#/65#
Front Squat - same load
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