Saturday, November 20, 2010

Saturday November 20, 2010

Clean and Jerk
Front Squat
Back Squat

10 rounds with an increase in weight at each round. Bar must not touch ground once round is begun but can rest in any position. If bar touches ground there is a 1 burpie penalty that must be completed after the tenth round.

Warm Up: 3 min out 3 min back

Skill: Work the movement patterns.


  1. Anniversary Wod
    RX 4:40 Weight off my shoulders now Mike! LOL
    All i can say is HOLY FOREARMS

  2. Did the WOD for today. Got up to 135# on the 3rd round, then had to back it off, because jerking with 2 fingers on my right hand was getting hard haha. Stayed at 115# for the rest.

    X-rays on Monday to see if my hand is indeed broken, or if it's just a really bad sprain...weeeee...

  3. Way to go Tom. Would have been shocked if you did not beat me.

  4. "...had to back it off, because jerking with 2 fingers on my right hand was getting hard..."

    Thanks to Gui for pointing out my nice little Freudian slip here hahaha

